You can try looking for 'Inuyasha' light novels at large bookstores like Barnes & Noble. They usually have a section for anime - related books, and there's a good chance they carry 'Inuyasha' light novels. Another option is to check online retailers such as Amazon. They have a wide range of products, and you can often find both new and used copies of the light novels there.
Some specialized anime and manga stores might also sell 'Inuyasha' light novels. These stores focus specifically on Japanese pop - culture products. You could search for local stores in your area or check their websites if they have an online storefront. Additionally, second - hand bookstores can be a great place to find 'Inuyasha' light novels at a more affordable price.
If you're lucky, you might find 'Inuyasha' light novels at a convention. Anime and manga conventions often have vendors selling various related items, including light novels. This can be a fun way to get your hands on the light novels while also experiencing the convention atmosphere and maybe even getting them signed if there are any special guests related to 'Inuyasha'.