Well, Archive of Our Own (AO3) is also a great place to find 'Durarara' female Izaya fanfiction. It has a large and diverse collection. Some of the stories might explore different aspects of the relationship between female characters and Izaya in the 'Durarara' universe. You can filter the results based on ratings, word count, etc. to find the ones that suit your taste.
Another way to find such fanfiction is to join 'Durarara' - related fan communities on social media platforms like Reddit or Tumblr. Fans often share and recommend their favorite fanfictions there. You can ask in the relevant subreddits or tags, and fellow fans will be more than happy to point you to some great 'Durarara' female Izaya fanfiction.
Sure. You can try looking on fanfiction.net. There are often some well - written pieces there. Just search for 'Durarara female Izaya' in the search bar and you'll get a list of relevant stories.