Modern media should not promote any form of improper 'fat erotic stories' as they objectify and can be offensive. Normal erotic stories in modern media, if they exist within ethical boundaries, might focus on consensual adult relationships and emotional connections. But 'fat erotic stories' are inappropriate and not worthy of comparison in a positive sense.
In modern media, normal erotic stories, when done tastefully and within the bounds of respect and legality, may explore adult relationships, passion, and sensuality. However, 'fat erotic stories' cross the line into objectifying and potentially demeaning territory. They are not in the same category at all. The former can be part of a broader exploration of human sexuality in a healthy way, while the latter is just unacceptable.
Modern media has a responsibility to uphold certain standards. Normal erotic stories, if they are a part of the media landscape, are usually centered around mutual attraction, love, and adult experiences. But 'fat erotic stories' are a completely different and inappropriate concept. They can promote harmful stereotypes and body shaming. We should encourage media to focus on positive and respectful representations of human relationships instead of anything related to 'fat erotic stories'.