In regular Transformers fan fiction, the focus is typically on the core elements of the Transformers franchise such as the unique abilities of the robots, their alliances, and their quests. It aims to keep the spirit of the original series alive and engage fans in a positive and inclusive way. Non - adult fan fiction that is more complex might, instead of just focusing on the action - packed battles, look at the cultural aspects of the Transformers. For example, how their society functions, what their values are, and how they interact with other civilizations. This is different from the more basic, action - centered regular fan fiction.
Regular Transformers fan fiction focuses on things like adventure, character development, and expanding the official lore in a family - friendly way. It might explore new battles between Autobots and Decepticons or introduce new Transformers characters. In contrast, adult fan fiction often involves themes or elements that are not suitable for general audiences, but if we consider non - adult versions, the difference could be in the level of complexity of the plot. Non - adult fan fiction may be more straightforward in its storytelling for a wider range of ages to enjoy.
Well, regular Transformers fan fiction is mainly about the robots' stories, their relationships, and their fight against evil in the context of the Transformers universe. It is accessible to all ages, usually. However, when we set aside inappropriate adult fan fiction and just compare regular to other non - adult but more mature fan fiction, the latter might delve deeper into philosophical questions within the Transformers world, like the morality of the war between the two factions. While regular fan fiction might be more focused on action and heroism, the more complex non - adult fan fiction could be about exploring the consequences of their actions and the nature of their existence.