In an animal abc story, we might have an alpaca (a). It is grazing in a meadow. A bat (b) flies overhead at night when the alpaca is resting. Then a crab (c) crawls on the beach not far from where the alpaca is. The alpaca might not even be aware of the bat or the crab. But the bat might be hunting insects that also affect the plants in the meadow where the alpaca grazes. And the crab might be part of a food chain that is somehow related to the overall ecosystem that includes the alpaca. There are so many potential scenarios in an animal abc story.
In an animal abc story, animals interact in various ways. Suppose there is an agama lizard (a). It is basking in the sun. A bee (b) comes buzzing by, and the lizard is curious. Meanwhile, a catfish (c) is swimming in a nearby pond. These three animals, though in different habitats, could be connected in some way. Maybe the bee's nectar - gathering journey affects the plants near the pond where the catfish lives, and the agama lizard might accidentally knock over a stone that has some impact on the water flow to the pond. So, there are complex interactions possible in such a story.
A lot of things can happen. For example, an aardvark (a) could be digging for food when a badger (b) shows up. They might compete for the same food source. Then a chick (c) might come along and peck at the leftovers. Or, an antelope (a) could be running across the plains and a blue jay (b) might startle it. Then a coyote (c) could be chasing after the antelope. There are countless combinations of events that can occur in an animal abc story.