Well, when it's said that Biden conflates Afghan war hero story, it might imply that in his statements or actions regarding the Afghan war, he's not accurately representing the tales of heroism. This could be due to a lack of proper understanding of the complex situations on the ground during the war. For example, if there were specific acts of heroism by soldiers that had a clear sequence of events and significance, and he's jumbling them up, it can mislead the public about what really happened and the valor of those involved.
If Biden conflates Afghan war hero story, it could have several implications. First, it may be a matter of misinformation. He might be accidentally or perhaps due to political motives, muddling the stories of real heroes. These heroes' stories are important as they represent the sacrifices and courage in a very difficult and complex war. By conflating them, he could be diminishing the impact of their deeds. Also, it could lead to confusion among the public and veterans who hold these stories dear. It might also affect how the United States is perceived in relation to its handling of the Afghan war and its recognition of the heroes who served there.