Another anime whole story is 'Attack on Titan'. In a world where humanity lives behind giant walls to protect themselves from Titans, Eren Yeager witnesses his mother's death when the Colossal Titan breaks through Wall Maria. Determined to take revenge, he joins the Survey Corps. The story unfolds as they discover more about the Titans, like some Titans being humans in disguise. There are intense battles against Titans, and the mystery of the Titans' origin and the outside world keeps the plot engaging.
'Naruto' has an amazing whole story. Naruto Uzumaki, an outcast in his village because he has a powerful demon sealed within him. He dreams of becoming Hokage, the leader of the village. Throughout the series, he faces many challenges, from dealing with his rival Sasuke's defection to battling powerful enemies like Orochimaru and Pain. Naruto also makes many friends along the way, and together they grow stronger. His journey of self - discovery and acceptance is at the heart of the story, and he eventually fulfills his dream.