Another theme is the connection between the natural world and the spirit world. In Hmong ghost stories, certain places like forests, rivers, or mountains are often associated with spirits. For example, a particular river might be the home of a water spirit. The stories show how the Hmong people view nature as being filled with spiritual entities. This reflects their respect and reverence for nature. Also, the theme of warnings is prevalent. These ghost stories often serve as warnings to people about the dangers of certain behaviors, such as being out alone at night or disrespecting the dead. By telling these stories, the Hmong elders pass on important cultural and moral lessons to the younger generations.
One common theme is the idea of restless spirits. Many stories feature spirits that are unable to move on to the afterlife due to some unfinished business or unjust death.
A common theme in old Hmong ghost stories is the concept of vengeance. Spirits in these stories often seek revenge on those who wronged them in life. For instance, if a person had been cruel to another during their lifetime, the wronged person's spirit might come back to haunt the cruel one. This theme not only adds an element of fear to the stories but also reinforces the Hmong values of kindness and respect for others. It also shows that actions have consequences, and these stories were used as a way to encourage good behavior within the community.