The true story of the 'Belfast' film is centered around the director's own upbringing in Belfast. During that time, there were significant social and political unrest known as the Troubles. The film depicts how families like Branagh's tried to carry on with their normal lives in the midst of this chaos. It shows the love within the family, the friendships in the neighborhood, and the difficult decisions that families had to make. For example, the choice of whether to stay in Belfast or move away for a safer life. It also shows the cultural aspects of the city, like the local pubs and the way people interacted with each other. All these elements are based on real experiences from that era.
The Belfast film's true story is about Kenneth Branagh's memories of Belfast during the Troubles. His family's life in that city was filled with both joys and hardships. The film portrays the religious and political divides that were so prominent at that time. It shows how ordinary people were affected by the violence and unrest. We see the family's struggle to maintain a normal life, with the father going away to work, the mother taking care of the home and children, and the children trying to make sense of the world around them. The story is a vivid representation of life in Belfast during that difficult period.