One way to find 'Harry Enslaved' fanfiction is to join Harry Potter fanfiction communities or forums. People there often share and recommend interesting fanfictions. They can give you direct links or at least point you in the right direction. Also, following Harry Potter fanfiction writers on social media might lead you to discover their 'Harry Enslaved' works.
You can start by looking on popular fanfiction websites such as Archive of Our Own (AO3). Just use the search bar and type in 'Harry Enslaved' and it will show you relevant fanfictions. Some other smaller fanfiction platforms might also have such stories, but AO3 usually has a wide range.
To find 'Harry Enslaved' fanfiction, first, consider using dedicated fanfiction search engines. They are designed to filter through a large number of fanfictions. Additionally, check out the fanfiction sections on websites related to Harry Potter fandom. You might also want to explore the bookmarks of other Harry Potter fanfiction readers. They may have bookmarked some great 'Harry Enslaved' stories that you would enjoy. And don't forget to read the reviews of the fanfictions you find. Good reviews can indicate that the 'Harry Enslaved' fanfiction is well - written and engaging.