I've heard of a mom who sat on the exercise ball while doing some light pelvic tilts. She said that after a few days of doing this regularly, her body started to show signs of labor. The exercise ball allows for movement that can encourage the baby to engage in the pelvis and also helps to relax the pelvic muscles, which is crucial for a successful labor induction.
A friend of mine had a great experience with the exercise ball for labor induction. She started using it when she was a week overdue. She would sit on it while watching TV or reading. The constant movement and the way it supported her body helped to open up her pelvis. It also helped her to stay active in a comfortable way. After a few days of using it, she went into labor. The exercise ball is a simple yet effective tool in many such success stories as it mimics the natural movement of the body during pregnancy and can gently nudge the labor process forward.
There are many success stories. One woman I know walked around on her exercise ball for about an hour each day in the late stages of pregnancy. She found that it really helped to start contractions and she went into labor smoothly. It seems the gentle bouncing and movement on the ball helps the baby get into a better position for labor.