The Power Rangers origin story begins with Zordon, an intergalactic wizard. He chose five ordinary teens with attitude to become the Power Rangers. They were given special powers and morphers to transform into their ranger forms. These teens had to protect the Earth from Rita Repulsa, an evil sorceress from outer space. Each ranger had a unique color and ability, and together they formed the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
Well, the origin of Power Rangers is really cool. Zordon, who was trapped in a time warp or something, saw the potential in a group of diverse teens. He endowed them with the power of the dinosaurs. So, you've got Jason as the Red Ranger, Trini as the Yellow, Zack as the Black, Billy as the Blue, and Kimberly as the Pink. Rita Repulsa was constantly trying to destroy the Earth, and the Rangers were our only hope. Their Zords, which were these huge robotic dinosaurs, combined to form the Megazord, which was a powerful weapon against Rita's minions.