Well, some Skinwalker horror stories involve them mimicking the voices of loved ones. A man in a story heard his wife's voice calling him from the woods at night. When he went to look, he saw a Skinwalker that looked like his wife for a moment before changing into a hideous creature. Also, there are stories where they seem to have the ability to control the minds of animals. In one tale, all the birds in an area suddenly attacked a person because a Skinwalker made them do it.
One type of Skinwalker horror story is about their speed and stealth. There was a story of a group of teenagers who were driving at night and saw a Skinwalker running alongside their car at an incredible speed. It was able to keep up for miles and every time they looked at it, it seemed to be getting closer. Then there are stories where Skinwalkers are associated with dark magic. They are said to be able to curse people or places. In a village, after a Skinwalker was sighted, all the crops started to die and people fell ill, as if under a curse.
Sure. There are Skinwalker stories where they appear as animals at first. For example, as a coyote that seems to be acting strangely, like standing on its hind legs for too long. Then it suddenly changes into a shadowy human figure. Another type is when they target a specific person or place. Like in a story where a Skinwalker haunted a particular farmhouse, scaring the family living there by making strange scratching noises on the walls every night.