The relationship might start off very tensely. Tom, being who he is, might see Harry as a tool or a project at first. Snape, on the other hand, may be more reluctant but still bound by some sort of obligation. As time goes on, they could develop a strange sort of co - parenting dynamic, with lots of arguments and power struggles over how to raise Harry.
As the story progresses, their relationship could become more complex. Harry might become a father figure to Tom, teaching him right from wrong. Tom, on the other hand, could start to see Harry as someone he can rely on, but also struggle with his own inner demons that might pull him away from Harry's influence.
Well, initially, Harry might be resistant to the idea of being adopted by Snape. He may think it's some sort of trick. But Snape, with his own sense of duty and newfound affection for Harry, tries to break through that resistance. As they spend more time together, Snape might share his own experiences at Hogwarts when he was a student, which helps Harry relate to him. And Harry, in return, might show Snape the good qualities he has inherited from his mother. This exchange of vulnerabilities and shared experiences gradually deepens their relationship into something more like a real father - son relationship.
At first, it's likely to be tense. Harry has years of seeing Snape as a bully. But as they start living together, they begin to understand each other. Snape might show his more vulnerable side to Harry, like his memories of Harry's mother. Harry, in turn, starts to respect Snape's knowledge and sacrifice. Eventually, they develop a bond like a father - son relationship.
Snape's character often develops from a cold and aloof figure to a more caring and nurturing one. At first, he might be hesitant and gruff, but as he spends more time with Harry, his protective instincts kick in. He starts to show more patience and understanding, which is a big change from his usual self in the original series.
Well, it often starts with a lot of misunderstandings. Snape has his own preconceived notions about Hermione as a Gryffindor student, and Hermione has her own view of Snape as a strict and often unfair teacher. However, as they live together, small moments start to change their relationship. For example, when Hermione is having trouble with a particularly difficult spell, Snape doesn't scold her but instead patiently guides her. This gradually builds trust between them, and they form a unique bond that is different from the typical student - teacher relationship or even a normal father - daughter relationship.
At first, it would be really rocky. Harry has a history of distrusting Snape, and Hermione might be a bit cautious too. But as time passes, Snape's care for them in his own strict way would start to show. He'd probably be tough on them about their studies, but they'd see it's because he wants them to succeed.
The relationship would start off rocky. Snape would be resistant to Harry's kindness as he has always seen Harry as James Potter's son. But Harry's persistent efforts to understand and help Snape would gradually break down Snape's walls.
Snape's character often develops from a cold and aloof figure to a more caring and father - like one. He starts to see Harry not just as James Potter's son but as an individual he is responsible for. His protective instincts grow, and he becomes more patient. For example, he might initially snap at Harry for small mistakes but over time, he learns to guide him gently.
In fanfiction, their relationship can develop in many ways. Sometimes it starts with Harry being suspicious of Snape as in the original books, but then Snape shows his selfless side. For example, he might save Harry from a dark spell and that starts to change Harry's view.
At first, it would probably be really tense. Tom is used to being on his own and having his own dark thoughts. Harry would be super cautious. But as time goes on, Harry's kindness might start to break through Tom's barriers. They could become like brothers, with Harry teaching Tom about the good in the world and Tom starting to trust Harry.