Vincent also says 'You don't be giving Marsellus Wallace's new bride a foot massage. My ass! That's a bad idea. You don't do it. And if you do it, you best be ready to pay the fuckin' price.' This shows his loyalty to Marsellus Wallace and also gives a sense of the dangerous underworld they are in. In Pulp Fiction, Vincent Vega's quotes often add to the dark humor and the overall gritty atmosphere of the movie. They help to define his character as a tough, somewhat jaded, and street - smart hitman.
Vincent Vega also has lines like 'That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence.' It gives an insight into his view on relationships and how he values those special connections with people in a very Vincent - like, non -chalant way.
Another quote is 'Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead.' This is a very iconic line that sums up a significant moment in the movie. Vincent says this after he has dealt with Zed in a rather violent way. It's a line that has become very well - known among fans of the movie. It also emphasizes Vincent's role as a sort of avenger in that situation.
Vincent Vega is played by John Travolta in 'Pulp Fiction'. He is a key figure in the movie's complex web of stories. He is part of the criminal underworld, with his own set of rules and a unique style. For example, his conversations with Jules Winnfield are both intense and filled with dark humor.
He is cool. He has a certain calmness even in dangerous situations.
You can try looking at movie quote websites like IMDb. They often have a collection of quotes from different movies, including Pulp Fiction, and you can easily search for the ones specifically by Vincent Vega.
One of the famous quotes by Vincent in Pulp Fiction is 'You don't put ketchup on a hot dog.' It shows his particular views on food and his somewhat quirky personality.
Yes, there might be some fan - made or niche books related to the character Vincent Vega from 'Pulp Fiction'. However, there isn't a widely known mainstream book solely dedicated to him as far as I'm aware.
Vincent Vega, in Pulp Fiction, is played by John Travolta. He is a key part of the movie's intertwined storylines. He's often seen doing jobs for his boss Marsellus Wallace, like taking Mia Wallace out. His character is complex, with a mixture of professionalism as a hitman and a bit of a wild side.
Vincent Vega is a character in the movie Pulp Fiction. He is a hitman. He has a cool and somewhat menacing demeanor. He is involved in various events throughout the movie, like going on a 'date' with Mia Wallace.
Vincent Vega is one of the main characters in 'Pulp Fiction'. He is a hitman. He has a cool and somewhat nonchalant attitude. He is involved in various events in the movie, like his encounters with other characters such as Jules Winnfield.