Well, Tales of Arise full story centers around Alphen and Shionne. Alphen, a Dahnan slave, and Shionne, a Renan, join forces. The Dahnans have been oppressed by the Renans for a long time. Their adventure involves fighting against the cruel Renan regime. As they travel, they meet other characters like Law, Rinwell, etc. who also have their reasons to oppose the current state of things. There are epic battles, revelations about the history of the two races, and a continuous struggle to change the world for the better, ultimately aiming at a harmonious co - existence between Dahnans and Renans.
Sure. Tales of Arise is about two characters, Alphen and Shionne. Alphen is a slave who has a mask on his face that suppresses his emotions and pain. Shionne is a Renan, a race that has oppressed the Dahnans like Alphen. Together, they embark on a journey to free the Dahnans from Renan rule. Along the way, they gather allies, each with their own stories and motives. They face many challenges and battles against powerful Renan lords. Eventually, they strive to bring about a new world where the two races can co - exist in peace.