There may have been some people who in the past claimed to share such stories on Craigslist, but it was not a healthy or reliable way. Craigslist is a vast and unregulated space in terms of this kind of content. In today's digital age, if one wants to read positive and empowering stories about gay experiences, there are many LGBT - centered magazines, websites, and social media groups that offer well - written, respectful, and consensual content which is a far better alternative to looking on Craigslist.
I wouldn't recommend looking for such stories on Craigslist. Craigslist is not a proper place for this kind of content. It should be a platform for more general classified ads, not for personal and often private sexual - orientation - related stories. Moreover, any form of sexual - content - based stories should be shared in more appropriate and consensual spaces like some LGBT - friendly community blogs or forums where the sharing is more respectful and legal.
Craigslist has removed its personals section which was often misused for inappropriate or unethical content sharing including such stories. So, it's not likely to find legitimate 'free first - time gay stories' there now. Also, sharing such personal and potentially sensitive stories in a public and unregulated platform like Craigslist had privacy and ethical concerns associated with it.