Yes. An ump named Thump was on an adventure. Thump was a curious ump. He started from his home near a slump. He heard about a far - off place where there were huge lumps of gold. To get there, he had to cross a big dump area. Along the way, he met other umps like Hump and Rump. They all joined together. They had to pump water out of a flooded path. After many challenges, they finally reached the place with the gold lumps. They all shared the wealth and lived happily ever after.
There was an ump called Clump. Clump was an adventurous ump. His journey began when he left his cump of a village. He walked and walked and soon came across a strange - looking pump. He tried to pump it but nothing happened. Then he noticed a path that led to a big bump. He climbed over the bump and found himself in a land full of different kinds of umps. There were umps with big rumps and small lumps on their heads. He explored this new land, made new friends, and had many exciting experiences before finally returning home to share his tales.