One big challenge is the reaction of their spouses. Their wives may feel betrayed, confused, and hurt. It can lead to a breakdown in the marriage, which often involves a lot of emotional turmoil for both parties. There might also be issues with children, if they have any. The children may not understand what's going on and could face bullying or confusion at school or among their peers.
In terms of family relationships, the extended family can also be a problem. Parents of the married man might be in denial or extremely disappointed. They may pressure the man to stay in the marriage and 'fix' his 'problem'. This can create a lot of stress and strain on the man who is trying to come to terms with his new - found sexual orientation. Moreover, family traditions and values that are centered around a heterosexual family structure can be a huge obstacle.
Married men going gay often face challenges within their family relationships. There could be a loss of trust from their spouses, which is difficult to rebuild. Financially, things can get complicated as well, especially if there are joint assets. And the social stigma within the family can be overwhelming. The family may worry about what others will think, and this can lead to isolation of the man who is coming out as gay. It's a complex situation that requires a lot of communication and understanding, which is often lacking at the beginning.