The plot could revolve around Naruto's decision to leave Konoha due to the constant fear and distrust he faces there. The female Kyuubi, being an intelligent and empathetic character, decides to accompany him. As they travel, they discover ancient shinobi secrets that were long forgotten. This knowledge could help Naruto better understand his own powers and his connection to the Kyuubi. They could also encounter a group of shinobi who are trying to bring about a new order in the ninja world. Naruto and the female Kyuubi then have to decide whether to support or oppose this new movement.
Well, in such a fanfiction, perhaps Naruto leaves Konoha after some internal conflict. The female Kyuubi could be a symbol of freedom for him. They might end up in a hidden land where they build a new community. Naruto could use his skills to protect this new place, and the female Kyuubi could use her powers to help the land thrive. Their relationship could be a mix of friendship and mutual respect, and they might attract other outcasts who also want to start anew away from the traditional shinobi world.