I remember a horror short story with a running brook. In it, a small town is built near the brook. But the brook has a dark secret. Every full moon, the water in the brook turns blood - red and anyone who drinks from it goes mad. The townspeople have to figure out how to stop this curse before they all lose their minds.
One such horror short story could be about a running brook that is cursed. In the story, people who get too close to the brook start to hear strange whispers. As they look into the water, they see distorted faces looking back at them. It's a really spooky concept that plays on the idea of something seemingly innocent, like a brook, being a source of horror.
There's a horror short story where a running brook runs through an old, abandoned cemetery. The brook's water is ice - cold and has a strange glow at night. Whenever someone tries to cross the brook, they feel an overwhelming sense of dread. It turns out that the brook is a gateway to another dimension filled with malevolent spirits.