Well, this graphic novel is centered around the 'Rogue One' story from the 'Star Wars' franchise. It delves into the backstories of the characters involved in the mission. You can expect to see how the team comes together, their individual motives for taking on such a dangerous task. It also showcases the dark and menacing side of the Empire with its stormtroopers and Darth Vader. The art in the graphic novel helps bring to life the entire 'Rogue One' adventure, from the gritty streets of Jedha to the final showdown near the Death Star.
The 'Rogue One A Star Wars Story Graphic Novel' mainly tells the story of the brave heroes in the 'Rogue One' movie in a graphic form. It shows their struggle against the powerful Galactic Empire. There are amazing illustrations of the different planets, the cool spaceships like the X - wings and TIE fighters, and the intense action scenes where the rebels fight for their cause.