One should avoid engaging with it. Don't share it further as it is inappropriate content. Report it to the relevant authorities if possible, such as on a platform where it is found if it violates the platform's terms of use.
You should immediately turn away from it. If it's part of a community or online group, consider leaving that group. If it's a printed or digital media piece that is publicly available and seems to violate ethical standards, you could write to the publisher or platform owner expressing your concern about the inappropriate content.
Report it if it is in an inappropriate or unregulated context. This kind of content has no place in a healthy society. And then try to forget about it and focus on positive and healthy forms of media and stories.
If you encounter such a story, you should firmly condemn it and make it clear that this is an unacceptable invasion of privacy. You can also encourage others around you to respect the privacy of relationships and not get involved with such inappropriate content.
Avoid it. Since it likely contains inappropriate content.
Immediately stop viewing and try to avoid similar content in the future. You can also clear your browser history to remove any trace of it.
You should distance yourself from it right away. Do not engage with it or share it further. It's important to respect the privacy of others. If it is on a social media platform, you can flag it as inappropriate content. This way, you are helping to protect the privacy and dignity of the person who might be the subject of such a wrong story.
One should immediately stop reading or viewing such content. Report it to the relevant authorities if it is illegal or violates any ethical guidelines. Also, try to forget about it and not let it influence your thoughts or actions towards your family.
One should simply ignore such stories. They are inappropriate and likely untrue. Giving them attention only helps in spreading this unwanted and unethical content.
Report it if possible. Such content is not suitable for public consumption and may violate certain ethical or moral guidelines. It's important to keep a clean and respectful media environment.
First, turn it off right away. Then, you can consider reaching out to someone you trust, like a friend or family member, to talk about how uncomfortable and wrong it is that you came across such a thing. And make sure not to spread or promote this kind of content in any way.
Don't engage with it. Just ignore it and if possible, encourage others who might have seen it to also refrain from spreading it. And as I said before, report it to Instagram so that they can take appropriate action.