There was an old - fashioned asylum where electroshock therapy was overused. One of the patients who died during a particularly harsh session was said to haunt the electroshock room. People who entered the room would feel a strange electric tingling in the air and sometimes see a figure strapped to the electroshock table, even though the room had been empty for years.
A well - known story is from an asylum that was abandoned decades ago. Locals said that lights would turn on and off randomly at night. It was believed that the souls of the mistreated patients were still there, trying to communicate their pain. Some even claimed to have seen faces in the windows when they passed by at night.
One scary story is about an old asylum where patients were subjected to cruel experiments. At night, the sound of their screams could still be heard echoing through the empty halls. It was said that a doctor there went mad himself and started to torture patients in the name of 'treatment'.
There was an asylum where the lights would flicker constantly. One night, a new nurse was on duty. She saw a figure in the hallway, but when she blinked, it was gone. Then she heard a child crying. There were no children in the asylum. She was so scared that she quit the next day. Another story is about an asylum that had a locked room. When they finally opened it, they found old medical records and a doll with a creepy face, and after that, strange things started to happen all over the asylum.
One sad story could be about patients who were wrongly committed. They might have been suffering from something treatable like depression but were locked away due to lack of understanding in the past. Their cries for help were ignored, and they lost years of their lives in a place that didn't really help them get better.
One story is about a patient in an insane asylum who claimed to see a shadow figure every night. The figure would stand at the end of his bed, just staring. No one else could see it. One night, the patient disappeared, and all that was left was a cold, dark mark on his bed, as if something had dragged him away.
Sure. There were cases where young children with mental disabilities were placed in asylums and forgotten. They didn't receive proper education or care suitable for their age. Instead, they were just left in a corner, with no real chance to develop or grow in a healthy way.
One great book is 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' by Ken Kesey. It offers a powerful look at the power dynamics and dehumanization within an asylum. The main character, McMurphy, challenges the strict and often cruel regime of Nurse Ratched.
One of the scary stories could be about a haunted house. In the story, people who enter the old, dilapidated house at night start to hear strange noises. Footsteps echo in the empty hallways, and cold gusts of wind blow through even when all the windows are closed. It gives a feeling of being watched by an unseen presence.
Once there was a man who thought his dog could talk. He spent hours every day having 'conversations' with it. One day, he took the dog to a vet because he thought the dog was giving him bad advice. The vet just stared at him in disbelief and told him dogs can't talk. But the man was so convinced, it was hilarious.
In the insane asylum, there was a patient who was said to be possessed. The asylum workers would often hear her scream at night. One night, a new guard was on duty. He went to check on her cell. When he looked through the small window, he saw her eyes were completely white. Then the door of the cell opened by itself, and he heard her say 'Join me'. The guard fainted on the spot.
Sure. There are many such fictions. For instance, some horror fictions use the setting of an insane asylum to create a spooky atmosphere. These books often play on the idea of the unknown and the madness that might lurk within the walls of the asylum. They can be really thrilling to read as they explore the darker side of human nature in the context of such a confined and often disturbing setting.