The story of Eric Garner is also a tragic police horror story. In 2014, Garner was selling loose cigarettes on the street in Staten Island, New York. When the police tried to arrest him, they put him in a chokehold, which is a banned maneuver in the NYPD. Garner repeatedly said 'I can't breathe' as he was being restrained. He later died as a result of the incident, which again sparked massive protests across the country against police brutality.
In some areas, there were Presbyterian churches that had to deal with the horror of natural disasters. For example, a church was hit by a severe storm. The building was damaged, and many of the religious artifacts were destroyed. The congregation had to face the horror of rebuilding not only the physical structure but also their faith community. They had to come together in the face of this adversity, but it was a difficult and horror - filled experience for them as they had lost so much in an instant.
A horror story is about a young ballet student who was bullied by her peers in the ballet school. They would hide her shoes, tear her tutus, and spread mean rumors about her. This constant harassment made her so depressed that she tried to take her own life. After that incident, the other students claimed to see her ghost haunting the ballet studio, especially during their rehearsals. They would hear the sound of her sobbing and sometimes see a faint figure in the corner of the room.
Some astronauts have reported hearing strange noises during their missions. These noises, which they couldn't immediately identify, added to the sense of mystery and horror. It's like being in an unknown place where you can't see what's making the noise, and you're in a very vulnerable position in space.
One well - known story is about a lost caravan in the desert. They were transporting precious goods and got lost during a sandstorm. As they tried to find their way, they started seeing mirages of beautiful oases, but when they reached the spots, there was only more sand. One by one, the members of the caravan started disappearing. The last survivor said he saw a dark figure leading his comrades away into the dunes, never to be seen again.
A well - known one is about the Devil's Bridge. It is said that there is a bridge within the Vatican's vicinity where, in the past, people witnessed strange apparitions. Some claim to have seen a figure resembling the devil during certain moonlit nights. It has become a part of local lore, and while there may be no scientific basis, it has added to the air of mystery and horror associated with the Vatican.
Sure. There's a story about a house on a hill in Belfast. The family who lived there started experiencing really strange things. Doors would open and close on their own, and objects would move around. They would often find cold spots in the house, even during the summer. Eventually, they became so terrified that they moved out. People say it was haunted by the spirit of a previous owner who had died under mysterious circumstances.
One well - known story is about a certain old house in downtown Sacramento. It was once the site of a grisly murder. Ever since, neighbors have reported strange lights flickering in the empty house at odd hours. Some have also heard what sounds like a struggle and a woman's scream coming from inside, even though no one has lived there for decades.
The story of the Mara Salvatrucha (MS - 13) gang has elements of horror. They are known for extreme violence. In some areas where they operate, they have left a trail of blood. They are involved in drug trafficking, murder, and extortion. Innocent people in those communities live in constant dread of them.
One well - known one is about a young LGBT person who was outed against their will in a small, conservative town. As a result, they were shunned by the community. People they thought were friends turned their backs on them, and they faced constant threats and bullying. It was like their world turned upside down overnight just because of who they were.
One story involves a lesbian who went to a bar. She was constantly harassed by some men who couldn't accept her sexual orientation. They made offensive comments and tried to intimidate her. It was a scary situation where she didn't feel safe in a public place just because of who she loves.