Bonnie is voiced by Madeleine McGraw in Toy Story 4.
It's Madeleine McGraw who plays Bonnie in Toy Story 4. Her performance added a lot of charm to the character and fit perfectly with the movie's tone.
The role of Bonnie in Toy Story 4 is played by Madeleine McGraw. She did a great job bringing the character to life with her voice acting skills.
Bonnie is a sweet child who takes in the toys and gives them a new home. She plays a significant role in the later installments of Toy Story, showing how the toys continue to have meaning and adventures with a new owner.
Bonnie was voiced by Emily Hahn in Toy Story 3.
Tom Hanks plays Woody in Toy Story. He did a great job bringing the character to life.
The role of Andy in Toy Story was portrayed by John Morris. His performance added a lot of charm to the character.
The role of Rex in Toy Story was played by Wallace Shawn. He did a great job bringing the character to life with his unique voice and performance.
The character of Hamm in Toy Story is played by John Ratzenberger. His performance adds a lot of charm to the character.
The role of the dinosaur in Toy Story is played by Wallace Shawn. He did a great job bringing the character to life with his unique voice.