The anime of 'A Knowing Sister' is known for its faithful representation of the raw manga. It keeps the core elements intact and the storyline consistent. Although there are occasional artistic adjustments, they are in line with presenting the manga effectively on the screen.
It can vary a lot. Some adaptations are very precise, while others might take significant liberties.
Overall, it depends on the specific manga and anime. Some maintain a high level of fidelity, keeping the plot, characters, and themes intact. However, others might make alterations to fit the animation format or for creative reasons.
It's quite accurate. The anime version mostly sticks to the manga without major differences.
It's quite accurate. The anime mostly sticks to the manga plot, with only a few tweaks here and there that don't change the main story.
It's quite accurate. The anime of 'Angle Behind Shot' mostly sticks to the manga, with just a few minor differences that don't have a big impact.
It's quite similar. The manga and anime of 'A Whisker Away' share many core elements and storylines.
The Berserk manga is way more detailed and darker. The anime kind of tones it down a bit.
The HxH manga and its anime adaptation are moderately close. There are some differences, but not too significant.
It's quite similar. The anime mostly sticks to the plot and characters of the manga, with only a few minor differences.
It's quite similar. The anime mostly sticks to the main plot points of the manga, with just a few tweaks for better presentation.