The correct pronunciation of'manga' in English is'm忙艐伞蓹'. You can break it down into the individual sounds and practice saying it a few times to get it right.
Versace's English pronunciation is/ve:r ́ s Ü:t e/.
Well, you say'manhwa' as if you were saying'man' followed by 'hwa' with a short 'a' sound at the end. Kind of like'man' and then 'hwa' quickly.
In Japanese,'manga' is pronounced with a soft 'm' sound followed by 'ah' and 'nga'. So, it's like'mah-nga'.
You can break it down like this: 'Japanese' is pronounced as 'd蕭蓹藞p忙niz' and'manga' is pronounced as'm忙艐伞蓹'.
The pronunciation of 'Blame manga' is something like 'ble瑟m 藞m忙艐伞蓹'.
The pronunciation of'manga comic' is something like'mang-ga kómik'. It's not too difficult once you get the hang of it.
The English name of Versace was Gianni Versace, and its English pronunciation was [jee-AH-nee ver-SAH-chei].
Well, to pronounce'manga' properly, you say it as'mahn-gah'. The 'a' sounds are similar to the 'a' in 'father'. It's not too complicated once you get the hang of it.
Well, in Chinese,'manga' is typically pronounced as'màn huà'. It refers to comics or graphic novels. This pronunciation is widely used when talking about this kind of entertainment medium.