Generally, you won't be able to. Social media privacy policies often prevent this kind of detailed viewership information from being accessible to users.
In most cases, no. Social media platforms usually don't provide a direct feature to show exactly who viewed your stories.
No, usually you can't see who viewed your story highlights. It's designed to maintain some privacy for the viewers.
Sometimes yes. Some social media platforms have features that notify the person if you viewed their story.
In most cases, no. Usually, there's no direct notification to the person that you've viewed their story.
In most cases, no. Usually, social media platforms don't provide direct notifications to the person that you viewed their story.
It depends on the specific social media platform. Some might have features that notify the creator if you saw their story, but others don't. For example, on Instagram, you can have settings that control who sees your story views and vice versa.
Well, it varies. If you share your story on a platform like Instagram and your account is public, then basically anyone using the app can come across it. But if you have a private account and only allow certain followers to see your posts, then it'll be limited to them.
The people who can see your story on social media vary. It might be just your approved contacts, or it could be a wider audience if you haven't customized the visibility settings. Sometimes, depending on the platform's algorithms, similar users or those with related interests might also get to see it.
No, usually you can't. Social media platforms don't provide this feature for privacy reasons.
Most social media don't allow you to see who views your story. It's to protect the privacy of the people who interact with your content. Even though you might want to know, it's just not something that's made available.