Maybe he's just too busy with his own life and doesn't have the time.
Perhaps there was a specific incident or something in your stories that turned him off. Or it might be that he's dealing with personal issues and has to cut back on his entertainment consumption, including your stories.
It could be that he's lost interest or found something else more engaging. Maybe your stories aren't hitting the mark for him right now, or he's going through a phase where he's not in the mood for that kind of content.
Perhaps there was something in your recent stories that turned him off, or he might have some personal issues going on that are affecting his online behavior.
Maybe he's just too busy or has lost interest for the moment.
Perhaps she's having some personal issues or problems that are taking up her attention and she doesn't have the mental space for your stories at the moment.
Maybe he was just too busy and didn't have the time.
Perhaps he's having some personal issues or going through a phase where he's not in the mood for any stories at all. It might not have anything to do with yours specifically.
Maybe he was too busy or just lost interest.
It could be that he wasn't finding your stories interesting anymore. Maybe the content didn't appeal to him or got repetitive.
Maybe he's just too busy with his own life and doesn't have the time anymore.
Maybe he's just interested in what you have to share.
Maybe he's just interested in what you have to share or he finds your stories engaging.