In the manga, Goku does fall into hell as part of a complex and adventurous storyline. This event leads to many interesting developments and challenges for him.
Goku does indeed fall into hell in the manga. It's a significant plot point that adds depth and excitement to the story. It showcases the trials and tribulations he faces in this unconventional setting.
I'm not sure. You'd have to read the manga to find out for sure.
Yes, Goku does have the ability to heal in the manga in certain situations.
Yes, Goku dies a few times throughout the manga.
Yes, Goku did fall off Snake Way in the manga.
No, Goku typically remains stronger than Vegeta in the manga. Their power levels keep fluctuating, but Goku often has the edge.
Yes, Goku manages to defeat Jiren in the manga after an intense battle and showing great determination and growth in his powers.
Yes, Goku does use Kaioken in the manga. It's one of his signature techniques to boost his power.
No, Goku typically remains stronger than Vegeta in the manga. Goku achieves higher levels of power and unlocks more potent forms.
Yes, Goku does meet Bardock in the manga.
Goku sacrifices himself to save the Earth from powerful enemies on multiple occasions in the manga.