There aren't always obvious signs. Sometimes, you just can't know for sure.
It's hard to tell. Maybe if you have a special app or plugin installed that's designed for this purpose, but otherwise, it's pretty much a mystery.
In most cases, no. There's usually no built-in feature or notification to let you know when someone takes a screenshot of your story.
No, usually you can't. There's no built-in feature to notify you when someone takes a screenshot of your story.
It's not usually possible to directly know when someone screenshots your story. There's no built-in notification for that.
Generally, it's hard to know for sure when someone screenshots your story. There aren't built-in notifications for that.
Not really. Usually, there's no built-in feature or way to know when someone takes a screenshot of your story.
It's tough to tell. Platforms don't have a built-in feature to alert you when someone takes a screenshot of your story. But sometimes, if it's shared or discussed elsewhere, you might find out indirectly.
In most cases, no. There's usually no direct way to know if someone screenshots your story.
In most cases, you can't directly know when someone screenshots your story in 2019. There aren't built-in features for this kind of notification.
In most cases, you won't be able to know. Social media platforms and apps don't typically provide this kind of notification. It's just not a common functionality.
Sorry, but typically, there's no way to tell if someone took a screenshot of your story from 2019. It's not a functionality that's commonly available or detectable.