The Berserk show is known for its relatively faithful adaptation of the manga. It keeps the main plot and character developments intact, although there are occasional tweaks to suit the medium of the show.
It follows the manga quite closely. There are a few minor changes, but the main plot and characters are intact.
It follows to a considerable extent. There are some differences, but they don't significantly change the main plot and character development.
It follows to a considerable extent. But there are still some differences, especially in the details and pacing.
The Berserk anime doesn't adhere strictly to the manga. It makes some significant alterations and omissions that can disappoint manga purists. For example, some character backstories are simplified or left out.
Not really. The Berserk 2016 anime has some significant departures from the manga, especially in terms of character development and plot progression.
It follows to a certain extent. There are some similarities, but also a few differences that fans notice.
Not really. There are quite a few differences in the new Berserk anime compared to the manga. Some key plot points and character developments have been changed or omitted.
Not really. There are quite a few differences between the berserk movies and the manga. Some key plot points and character developments are changed or left out.
Overall, the Twin Star Exorcist show has some similarities to the manga, but there are also added or changed elements to make it more suitable for the screen. Some fans think it's a decent adaptation, while others have mixed feelings.
Yes, it does. The Twin Star Exorcist show largely adheres to the manga, with few noticeable differences.