The story of Star Wars Battlefront 2 occurs in a time of intense conflict between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire. It weaves in elements from various points within this war, offering a rich and immersive narrative.
The Star Wars story spans across different time periods, from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away to various eras with specific events and character arcs.
Solo: A Star Wars Story is set approximately a decade before the events of the original Star Wars film.
Solo: A Star Wars Story is set around 10 years before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope.
The movie Solo: A Star Wars Story takes place approximately a decade prior to the original Star Wars film. It explores Han Solo's adventures during this earlier time period.
The Solo: A Star Wars Story is set approximately a decade before the events of the original Star Wars film.
Solo: A Star Wars Story occurs in a timeframe that shows Han Solo's early escapades and his encounters with various characters and situations that shape his future.
Han Solo: A Star Wars Story is set approximately a decade before the events of the original Star Wars trilogy.
Solo: A Star Wars Story is set earlier than the timeline of Rebels. It provides background on some characters and events that precede the Rebels storyline.
The story of Star Wars Battlefront 2 is set during the Galactic Civil War, a time of great conflict between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire.
The story of Solo: A Star Wars Story takes place approximately a decade prior to the original Star Wars film. It gives us insights into Han Solo's earlier adventures during that time period.