Rex in Toy Story is voiced by Wallace Shawn. He did a great job bringing the character to life with his unique voice.
The role of Rex in Toy Story was played by Wallace Shawn. He did a great job bringing the character to life with his unique voice and performance.
The voice of Rex in Toy Story was provided by Wallace Shawn. He did a great job bringing the character to life with his unique voice.
Wallace Shawn is the one who gives voice to Rex in Toy Story. His performance added a lot of charm and personality to the character.
The role of Rex in Toy Story was taken on by Wallace Shawn. He did a great job bringing the character to life with his distinct voice and performance.
The voice of Buzz in Toy Story is Tim Allen.
The actor who lent his voice to Ken in Toy Story 3 was Michael Keaton. His performance added a lot of charm to the character.
The voice of Woody in Toy Story is Tom Hanks.