The Evangelion anime debuted earlier. The manga was created later based on the success and popularity of the anime. They have some differences but share the core concepts.
Definitely not. The Evangelion anime came first. The manga was a subsequent adaptation that expanded and explored certain aspects of the story in a different way.
No, the Evangelion anime was released before the manga.
No, the Evangelion anime came first. The manga was created later based on the anime's success and popularity.
Sure did. The DBZ manga was created first. The anime followed and adapted the story and characters from the manga, but with some visual and narrative changes to suit the animation format.
Yes, the DBZ manga came before the anime. The manga was the original source material from which the anime was adapted.
Yes, the Pokemon manga did come first.
No, the manga of Mononoke typically comes first. The anime is often created based on the already existing manga storylines and characters. However, there might be rare exceptions where the anime is developed simultaneously or even before the manga, but that's not the case for Mononoke.
Evangelion started as an anime. The series gained popularity first through its animated form.
The Evangelion manga first came out in 1994.
Yes. The Evangelion manga came first. It provided the basis for the subsequent anime series. However, there are some differences between the two in terms of plot and character development.
The Pokemon manga did indeed come out before the anime. It was the source that sparked the interest and led to the development of the animated version. Although they have their own unique aspects, the manga was the starting point.
No, the Dragon Ball Super anime premiered before the manga started.