In DC Comics, 'DC' stands for Detective Comics. It was originally the name of a comic book series that later became the basis for the entire DC universe.
Well, 'DC' in DC Comics refers to the publisher's name. It started with Detective Comics, which gave birth to many famous superhero characters like Batman. Over time, it grew to represent a vast comic book universe with various heroes and storylines.
DC Comics is a major publisher of comic books featuring a wide range of superheroes and fictional characters. It's known for creating icons like Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman.
DC Comics is a major American comic book publisher known for creating popular superhero characters like Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman.
The meaning of DC Comics is that it's a source of entertainment and imagination. It brings to life various fictional characters and their adventures, inspiring fans around the globe. DC Comics has shaped the comic book industry and influenced other forms of media such as movies and TV shows.
DC Comics stands for Detective Comics. It's one of the major comic book publishers known for creating iconic superheroes like Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman.
DC basically means Detective Comics. It's a major force in the comic book industry, responsible for bringing us beloved characters like Batman and Superman. The name has become synonymous with quality and excitement in the world of comics.
Well, 'DC' in 'DC Comics' represents Detective Comics. This was the original comic series from which the larger DC Comics universe expanded with various superheroes and storylines over time.
DC stands for Detective Comics. It was the name of the comic book series that became the basis for what we now know as DC Comics.
DC stands for Detective Comics. It's the name that originated from one of their early comic book series.
In DC Comics, 'DC' originally referred to Detective Comics. This was the comic where characters like Superman and others first appeared and became famous. Over time, 'DC' has come to represent the entire comic book universe and its various franchises.
In DC Comics, 'DC' stands for Detective Comics. It was the name of the comic book series that launched many popular superheroes.