Advantix Two can sometimes treat mange, but it depends on the severity and type of mange. A vet's advice is crucial to ensure the best outcome.
Yes, Advantix Two can be effective in treating mange. But it's best to consult a veterinarian for the right dosage and application.
Yes, K9 Advantix can be effective in treating mange. But it's best to consult a veterinarian for the right dosage and application.
Yes, K9 Advantix 2 can treat mange to some extent. But its effectiveness might vary depending on the severity and type of mange.
Yes, Advantix can prevent mange to a certain extent. It's designed to protect against various parasites, including those that can cause mange.
Yes, K9 Advantix II is known to be effective against mange. It works by repelling and killing parasites that cause mange.
K9 Advantix II can be helpful in preventing sarcoptic mange. But other factors like the dog's environment and overall health also play a role. So, while it's a tool, it's not the sole solution.
Ivermectin has been shown to be a useful treatment for mange. But it's important to note that proper dosage and administration are crucial for optimal results. Also, close monitoring by a veterinarian is recommended throughout the treatment process.
Advocate may or may not treat mange effectively. A lot of factors come into play, like the stage of the mange infestation, the individual pet's health, and how the treatment is administered.
Yes, Capstar can be effective in treating mange. But its efficacy might vary depending on the severity and type of mange.
Yes, Advantage can be effective in treating mange, but its success depends on various factors such as the severity of the infestation and the individual pet's response.
Permithrin is often used to treat mange and has shown success. But it's important to follow the prescribed dosage and application instructions precisely. Sometimes, additional treatments or follow-up may be needed for a complete recovery.