Story City, Iowa is about 25 miles away from Ames, Iowa. The actual travel distance might vary depending on the route you take and the mode of transportation.
The distance between Story City, Iowa and Ames, Iowa is approximately 25 miles.
The distance from Story City, Iowa to Ames, Iowa is around 25 miles. This is an estimate based on common driving routes. Different means of travel could affect the time and exact distance covered.
The distance from Williams, Iowa to Story City, Iowa is around 40 miles. You can get there in less than an hour by car, depending on traffic and the roads you choose.
Story City is about 30 miles north of Des Moines.
The distance to Story City, Iowa is relative. It could be a short trip if you're close by, but if you're farther away, it could involve a longer journey. You can use online mapping tools to get a more accurate estimate based on your specific starting point.
I don't have the exact distance. But you can use your GPS or look it up on a reliable mapping service. They'll be able to give you the most accurate measurement based on your current position.
The distance between Story City and Colfax, Iowa, depends on the route you take. Generally, it's around [estimated distance] miles.
Story City, Iowa is about 200 miles away from Springfield, MO. You might need around 3-4 hours to drive there, depending on conditions and your speed.
The distance between Story City, Iowa and Colorado Springs is quite significant. It's approximately 800 miles by the most direct route.
The distance between Story City, Iowa and Stillwater, MN is approximately 210 miles.
The distance of Story City, Iowa to major cities can vary quite a bit. To Minneapolis, it's roughly 250 miles. To Chicago, it's around 350 miles.
Maybe it was due to poor business performance or high operating costs.