The Tokyo Revengers anime ended in the manga at a specific point that was determined by the manga's storyline and creative decisions by the author.
The Tokyo Revengers manga ended in 2022.
The Tokyo Revengers manga ended on a specific date, but I'm not sure exactly when off the top of my head.
The Tokyo Revengers anime ended around a specific chapter in the manga, but it's not an exact match. You'd have to look closely at the story arcs to pinpoint it precisely.
It's hard to say exactly. The creators haven't announced a definite end date yet.
The exact ending date of the Tokyo Revengers manga is unknown. It could be influenced by various factors like the popularity, the story arcs, and the author's creative decisions.
It's hard to say exactly. The ending date depends on the author's creative process and the story's development.
Yes, it did. The manga completed its run and wrapped up the story.
Yes, it did. The story concluded after a certain number of chapters.
Yes, it did. The story concluded after a certain number of chapters.
The Tokyo Revengers manga ended with a big showdown and some unexpected twists. The characters' choices and actions in the final chapters had a significant impact on the outcome. It was a conclusion that had fans talking for a long time.