The One Piece manga has forged ahead quite a bit since 2022. It's brought in new characters, exciting battles, and deeper storylines that weren't there back then.
The One Piece manga has made significant progress since 2022. It's quite a distance ahead with new story arcs and developments.
The One Piece manga has made significant progress since 2021. It's quite a bit ahead with new story arcs and developments.
The One Piece manga has moved a considerable way forward from 2020. It has introduced new characters, locations, and storylines that have added depth and excitement to the overall narrative.
The One Piece manga is quite a bit ahead of the anime. The manga has been running for longer and has covered more story arcs and developments.
The One Piece manga is way ahead. It has been running longer and has covered much more ground. This gives manga fans an advantage in terms of knowing what's coming next in the story before it's adapted for the anime.
The manga is quite a bit ahead. The anime often has breaks and filler episodes, so the manga progresses at a faster pace.
The One Piece manga is usually a significant distance ahead of the anime. The anime often has filler episodes and slower pacing, allowing the manga to progress further in the story.
The One Piece manga is quite a bit ahead. It has storylines and developments that the anime hasn't caught up to yet.
The One Piece manga is usually a fair bit ahead of the anime. The anime often has filler episodes and slower pacing.
The One Piece manga is usually quite a bit ahead of the anime. It's not uncommon for there to be a significant gap in story progression.
The One Piece manga is quite a bit ahead. The anime often needs time for production and scheduling, so the manga progresses faster.