The Attack on Titan anime is a reasonably faithful adaptation of the manga. While it adheres to the core story, there are occasional additions and omissions to make it more suitable for the animated format and viewer engagement.
Overall, the anime stays quite close to the manga. However, there are some minor tweaks in character development and certain plot points for better animation presentation and pacing.
There are some differences, but not too significant. The anime generally follows the main plot of the manga.
The anime is relatively close to the manga, but there are some differences in pacing and certain details.
The anime is quite close to the manga, but there are some differences in the way certain scenes and plot points are presented.
The manga and anime of Attack on Titan are pretty similar, but there are some differences. The anime might cut out or simplify some minor details.
The anime mostly follows the manga closely, but there are some minor differences in plot details and character development.
The manga and anime of Attack on Titan have some differences, but not too significant. The main plot points are mostly the same.
The manga is quite a bit ahead of the anime. There are many storylines and developments in the manga that haven't been shown in the anime yet.
It's a bit hard to give an exact measure, but as of now, the anime has covered a significant portion of the manga's story.
Well, determining exactly how far along the manga is can be tricky. It's been ongoing for a while and has delved deep into the world and characters. You'd need to check the latest chapters for the most accurate update.
The Attack on Titan manga is considerably further along. The anime production process is slower, and it lags behind in presenting the story. Also, the manga allows for more detailed and complex storylines that might take longer to translate into the animated format.
In the game, the story is more interactive. While the anime just shows the events, in the game you can directly influence the outcome of battles. For example, in the game you can choose different combat strategies against Titans.