In Japanese,'science fiction' can be expressed as 銆孲F銆. It's a commonly used abbreviation. Another way to say it is 銆岀瀛﹀皬瑾 which directly translates to'scientific novel'.
The word for 'fiction' in Japanese is '灏忚 (sh艒setsu)'.
The Japanese term for 'crime fiction' is '鐘姜灏忚 (銇倱銇栥亜銇椼倗銇嗐仜銇)'.
The phrase for 'Japanese comics' in Japanese is '鏃ユ湰銇极鐢' (Nihon no manga).
The German word for 'science fiction' is 'Science-Fiction'.
The Italian word for'science fiction' is 'fantascienza'.
The Spanish term for'science fiction' is 'ciencia ficci贸n'.
In French, 'science fiction' is expressed as 'science-fiction'. It's a commonly used phrase in the French language for this genre.
The word for 'novel' in Japanese is '灏忚 (銇椼倗銇嗐仜銇)'.
The word for'manga' in Japanese is 婕敾 (銇俱倱銇 / manga).
The Spanish phrase for'science fiction books' is 'libros de ciencia ficci贸n'.