The Wallpaper Collection was a collection of resources that provided information and pictures of various wallpaper products. It usually contains different styles, materials, patterns, and colors of wallpaper to meet the needs of different consumers. In the wallpaper encyclopedia, you can browse various types of wallpaper, such as paper wallpaper, vinyls wallpaper, non-woven wallpaper, fabric wallpaper, etc. In addition, it could also be categorized according to style, such as modern minimalism, European classical, Chinese traditional, rural style, and so on. At the same time, the wallpaper encyclopedia would also provide detailed product information, such as size, material, applicable scene, etc., so that consumers could choose the wallpaper that suited them. Through the Wallpaper Collection, consumers could easily browse and choose their favorite wallpapers at home, providing more inspiration and choices for home decoration. While waiting for the anime, you can also click on the link below to read the classic original work of " Full-time Expert "!