The King of Qin, Ying Ji, had three sons. They were the eldest son, Fu Su, the second son, Huhai, and the youngest son, Ziying. Among them, Fu Su was made the Crown Prince after Ying Ji's death, while Hu Hai succeeded to the throne and became the second emperor of Qin. As for Ziying's ending, it was not mentioned.
Liu Ying of the Han Dynasty had six sons.
Duke Xiao of Qin had three sons. They were King Huiwen of Qin, Kualiji, and Gongzi Hua.
Mi Bazi and Ying Si had three sons.
Liu Ying had six sons. They were Liu Gong, the former Young Emperor, Liu Jiang, the King of Huaiyang, Liu Buyi, the King of Changshan, Liu Hong, the Marquis of Xiangcheng, Liu Chao, and Liu Wu, the Marquis of Huguan.
Mi Bazi and Ying Si had three sons.