Sang's Pinyin was Sāng, and the radical was Wood. The words of mulberry include Gesang Hua, Mulberry, Mulberry Leaf, Mulberry Tree, Fusang, Canghai Mulberry Field, Mozambican, Loranthine, Mulberry, Mulberry bark, vicissitudes, mulberry silk, picking mulberry, mulberry, mantis cuttlebone, Sanhuang, Mulberry Elm, Finger Mulberry, Chai Sang, Mulberry Fruit, Mulberry Pond, Zanzibar, Mulberry, Mulberry Sea, Mulberry Field, Red Mulberry, Mulberry Garden, Mulberry Soft, Mulberry Arc, and Mozambican Strait.
Sang's Pinyin was sāng. Some of the words of mulberry were: sericulture, mulberry, vicissitudes, mulberry, mulberry garden, mulberry law, mulberry seal, mulberry, mulberry flower, mulberry root, suburban mulberry, mulberry bow, mulberry skin, Chai Sang, mulberry, mulberry soft, mulberry pheasant, and Zi Sang.
The pronunciation of the word Sang should be written as "sāng".
The following words can be obtained by replacing the radical of the word crazy: Wang, Wang
The pronunciation of the word 'night' was 'yes'.
Shan's pronunciation was dān. The words for duster include duster, duster, duster soft, duster bottle, moving duster, duster, duster aid, duster remnant, and feather duster.