In the play, the second prince said,"I hope that the people of Qing Kingdom can become unsettled people." When you are abused by others, you will not yield. When you are attacked by evil, you will not be frustrated. If you do something wrong, you will not be afraid of it. You will not flatter jackals and tigers."
The Qing Emperor had five princes in the Qing Dynasty, and the Second Prince, Li Chengze, was one of the important figures. He was described as an ambitious and shrewd person who often clashed with Fan Xian. The Qing Emperor was stricter with the Second Prince than the other princes. Perhaps it was because he believed that the Second Prince was the greatest threat to the Crown Prince. The Qing Emperor's betrothal of the Second Prince and Ye Ling 'er was also to balance the power between the Crown Prince and the Second Prince. Although the Second Prince ultimately chose to commit suicide, he played an important role in the play and had a complicated relationship with Fan Xian.
Qing Yu Nian's second prince's mother was Ye Qingmei.
The guard beside Second Prince Qingyu Nian was Fan Wujiu.
The second prince's mother was Lady Shu.
Second Prince Qingyu's attendant was called Xie Bi 'an. He was the Second Prince's hanger-on and bodyguard. He was known for his fast sword and was the number one swordsman in the capital. Xie Bian was played by actor Zhao Zhenting. He was the Second Prince's trusted aide, providing him with personal protection and carrying out some shady assassination missions. In addition, the Second Prince also had the heir of King Jing, Li Hongcheng, with him. The Crown Prince did not have any powerful followers at the moment, so his strength was slightly weaker. On the surface, the Eldest Princess supported the Crown Prince, but in reality, she was colluding with the Second Prince. Therefore, Xie Bian and the Eldest Princess were in cahoots.
The second prince's mother was Lady Shu.
Yes, the Crown Prince of Qingyu was the Second Prince's subordinate. In the movie, the Crown Prince and the Second Prince worked together to build a force that could threaten the Emperor. The Crown Prince had always tried to prove that he was stronger than Ye Qingmei, so he chose to support the Second Prince. Although the specific details and plot needed to be further watched to know, the Crown Prince was the Second Prince's subordinate.
Yes, the Crown Prince of Qingyu was the Second Prince's subordinate. In the movie, the Crown Prince and the Second Prince worked together to build a force that could threaten the Emperor. The Crown Prince had always tried to prove that he was stronger than Ye Qingmei, so he chose to support the Second Prince. The specific details and plot needed to be further watched to know.
Yes, the Crown Prince of Qingyu was the Second Prince's subordinate. In the movie, the Crown Prince and the Second Prince worked together to build a force that could threaten the Emperor. The Crown Prince had always tried to prove that he was stronger than Ye Qingmei, so he chose to support the Second Prince. Although the specific details and plot needed to be watched further to know.
According to the information provided, the Second Prince in Qing Yuannian's novel was portrayed as a villain. He colluded with the Eldest Princess, seized the palace treasury's smuggled property through the Ming family, and coerced Fan Xian to submit to him. His behavior was regarded as the behavior of a bad person. Therefore, according to the information provided, the Second Prince was portrayed as a bad person.