The 8621c color card was a metallic color, with the values of (97,76,55) and Hex(hex) being #614C37. However, the value of 8621c was not provided. Please note that these values are colors simulated by the computer. Please refer to the latest published physical color card for confirmation in actual production!
The 7472C card was a blue-green color on the Pantone C card. In the production process, the color on the C color card of the real thing was used as the standard. The 7472C color number can be found in the following physical products: the new version of the Pantone Color Card, Pantone Standard Spot Color Ink, Pantone Solid Guide Set, etc. The specific values for the colors are (127,186,181) and the values for the colors are (54,0,27,0). Please note that these values are colors simulated by the computer. Please refer to the latest published physical color card for confirmation in actual production.
The Pantone 9261C's RGH value is (239,215,212). The corresponding colors can be found on "Pantone GG 1504A Pink Neon Color Card,""Pantone GPG 304ACMyk Print International Standard Spot Color Card,""Pantone GPG 1605A Spot Color Card Set (4 sets)2019 New Version,""Pantone GG 1504A Pink Neon Color Card,""Pantone GG 1504 Color Card (" CUs ")."
The 477C color card was a dark blue color and belonged to the C class. The specific color values were R:0, G:119, B:188, and the hex color value was 0077bc1. This color had the following characteristics: deep, steady and noble, calm and intelligent, trusting and mature, exquisite and rational, and clear. The 477C color card was very suitable for brand design.
Pantone 151C was orange. The corresponding colors are (228,120,7).
The Pantone 8621C color card was a metallic color, with the values of (97,76,55) and Hex(hex)#695644. However, the values of the CEMYK for the Pantone 8621C were not provided. Please note that these values are colors simulated by the computer. Please refer to the latest published physical color card for confirmation in actual production. As for whether the Pantone 8621C was included in a standard color chart, the search results did not provide any relevant information.
The answer is: "10359c color card" is a color in the Pantone color card. However, the search results didn't provide specific information about the color card, such as the RGH values or color samples. Therefore, I don't know the exact details of the 10359C card.
The 7610C card was a brown color. Please note that these results are for reference only. The actual standard color should be based on the actual color card.
We can get that the international color card 2330C has the values of (207,205,201), Hex(hex color value) is #CCCCDC9, and the values of MCYK are (13,9,13,0). Please note that these values are colors simulated by the computer. Please refer to the latest published physical color card for confirmation in actual production!
The BS381C color card is a British standard color card used for color guidance of paint and paint. It is included in the British standard BS381C and is part of the British BSI standard color. This color card is usually used to determine the specific color of paint and paint to ensure consistent and accurate. For specific colors and details, you may need to refer to the relevant color cards and guidelines.
"Pantone 3588C is an orange-yellow color, and its name is" unnamed "in both Chinese and English. It had a hue of 30 degrees, a saturation of 88%, and a lightness of 99% in the MV color space. Pantone 3588C was a color in the Pantone color card C version. Its color and color card could be found in the color number query tool, including the corresponding RMB value for user reference. In addition, the Pantone 3588C also existed in Pantone products.