The movie Dune 2 received 8.2 and 8.3 points on Douban.
The movie, Dune 2, was rated 8.2, 8.3, 8.2, and 7.7 on Douban.
Dune's ratings on Douban were 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 8.0, and 8.6. The specific ratings were 21.8% for 5 stars, 47.0% for 4 stars, 26.4% for 3 stars, 3.9% for 2 stars, and 0.8% for 1 star.
The movie Dune 2 received a rating of 8.3 on Douban. This highly anticipated sci-fi film received high recognition and love from the audience. More than 40% of the audience gave the movie a 4-star rating, showing the audience's high recognition and love for the movie. The film created an amazing sci-fi world through exquisite character portrayals, intense plot settings, and stunning visual effects. It made the audience feel as if they were in a universe full of unknown and exploration. Overall, the movie " Dune 2 " received a high rating on Douban and was recognized and loved by the audience.
The movie " Sand Dune " had a Douban rating of 7.7 to 7.9.
The Douban rating of the movie " Sand Dune " was currently 7.9.