
Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai

2025-01-03 03:54
1 answer

Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai was a fantasy novel about the adventures of Lu Changsheng, a disciple of the Cottage in the Southern Region. He was the Green Cloud Sword Saint of the Southern Region, and he was a god in the way of the sword. The story also involved other forces such as Nine Nether, Nine Heavens, Nine Yin, and so on. The novel had been serialised to chapter 1356, and the latest chapter was "Banquet at Hongmen, Not Attending (2/3)".

Renascer da Vilã: A Perversa Esposa do Jovem Mestre Lu

Renascer da Vilã: A Perversa Esposa do Jovem Mestre Lu

Em sua vida passada, Su Xiaofei perdeu tudo quando a outra filha do seu pai chegou, arruinando, essencialmente, sua vida. Somente no fim da sua vida é que sua meia-irmã Ye Mingyu revelou a verdade. Su Xiaofei não era a filha biológica de seus pais, mas uma órfã que eles escolheram adotar ao descobrir que sua mãe adotiva não podia conceber um filho. Depois de perder sua mãe adotiva e sua própria vida, Su Xiaofei recebeu uma chance de acertar as contas! Voltando aos dias antes da mãe e filha arruinarem sua vida, Su Xiaofei decidiu que ela não seria mais uma filha obediente para seu desprezível pai, e prometeu não amar seu detestável marido. Justo quando pensou que seu coração se tornara frio e imune ao amor, um certo Jovem Mestre Lu decidiu lhe professar seu amor eterno. Nos últimos momentos da sua vida passada, Lu Qingfeng foi o único que segurou seu corpo inerte de perto e derramou lágrimas quando ela partiu do mundo dos vivos. "Minha decisão já está tomada. Além de você, eu não me casarei com mais ninguém. Além do mais, nesta vida e nas próximas, eu só terei você como minha esposa." Nos olhos de todos, ela era a perversa vilã, mas para Lu Qingfeng, Su Xiaofei era sua deusa pessoal. Enquanto ela navega por sua segunda chance na vida, será que Su Xiaofei seria capaz de ensinar seu coração a não se deixar levar pelo amor dele? Editor/revisor: ninaviews Aviso para futuras cenas e temáticas r18 não apropriadas para o público jovem. Ilustração da capa do livro por Snow Le Art Direitos autorais2022 anjeeriku
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662 Chs
Reencarnación de la Villana: La Malvada Esposa del Joven Maestro Lu

Reencarnación de la Villana: La Malvada Esposa del Joven Maestro Lu

En su vida pasada, Su Xiaofei lo perdió todo cuando la otra hija de su padre llegó, arruinando esencialmente su vida. Solo al final de su vida su hermanastra Ye Mingyu reveló la verdad. Su Xiaofei no era la hija biológica de sus padres, sino una huérfana que ellos eligieron adoptar al descubrir que su madre adoptiva no podía concebir. Después de perder a su madre adoptiva y su propia vida, ¡a Su Xiaofei se le dio la oportunidad de corregir las cosas! Volviendo a los días antes de que la madre y la hija arruinaran su vida, Su Xiaofei decidió que ya no sería una hija obediente para su despreciable padre, y prometió no amar a su basura de esposo. Justo cuando pensó que su corazón se había vuelto frío e inmune al amor, un cierto Joven Maestro Lu decidió profesar su amor eterno por ella. En los últimos momentos de su vida pasada, Lu Qingfeng fue el único que sostuvo su cuerpo inerte cerca y derramó lágrimas mientras ella partía del mundo de los vivos. —Ya lo he decidido. Aparte de ti, no me casaré con alguien más. Adicionalmente, en esta vida y en las siguientes, solo te tendré a ti como mi esposa. En los ojos de todos, ella era la malvada villana, pero para Lu Qingfeng, Su Xiaofei era su diosa personal. Mientras navega por su segunda oportunidad en la vida, ¿podría Su Xiaofei enseñarle a su corazón a no dejarse conmover por su amor? Editor/corrector: ninaviews Advertencia de futuras escenas y temas r18 no apropiados para el público joven. Ilustración de la portada del libro por Snow Le Art Derechos de autor 2022 anjeeriku
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662 Chs
Die Wiedergeburt der Schurkin: Die böse Ehefrau des jungen Meisters Lu

Die Wiedergeburt der Schurkin: Die böse Ehefrau des jungen Meisters Lu

In ihrem früheren Leben verlor Su Xiaofei alles, als die andere Tochter ihres Vaters kam und ihr Leben praktisch ruinierte. Erst am Ende ihres Lebens enthüllte ihre Halbschwester Ye Mingyu die Wahrheit. Su Xiaofei war nicht das echte Kind ihrer Eltern, sondern ein Waisenkind, das sie adoptierten, als sie herausfanden, dass ihre Adoptivmutter keine Kinder bekommen konnte. Nachdem sie ihre Adoptivmutter und ihr eigenes Leben verloren hatte, bekam Su Xiaofei die Chance, es richtig zu machen! Su Xiaofei kehrte zu den Tagen zurück, bevor das Mutter-Tochter-Paar ihr Leben ruinierte, und beschloss, ihrem Abschaum von Vater kein treues Kind mehr zu sein, und versprach, ihren Abschaum von Ehemann nicht mehr zu lieben. Gerade als sie dachte, ihr Herz sei kalt und immun gegen Liebe geworden, beschloss ein gewisser junger Meister Lu, ihr seine unsterbliche Liebe zu gestehen. In den letzten Momenten ihres vergangenen Lebens war Lu Qingfeng der Einzige, der ihren schlaffen Körper festhielt und Tränen vergoss, als sie die Welt der Lebenden verließ. "Mein Entschluss steht bereits fest. Außer dir werde ich niemanden heiraten. Außerdem werde ich in diesem und im nächsten Leben nur dich zur Frau haben." In den Augen aller war sie die böse Bösewichtin, aber für Lu Qingfeng war Su Xiaofei seine persönliche Göttin. Würde Su Xiaofei es schaffen, ihr Herz zu lehren, sich nicht von seiner Liebe beeinflussen zu lassen, während sie ihre zweite Chance im Leben wahrnimmt? Herausgeber/Korrekturleser: ninaviews Warnung für zukünftige r18-Szenen und Themen, die nicht für ein junges Publikum geeignet sind. Buchumschlag-Illustration von Snow Le Art Copyright2022 anjeeriku
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662 Chs
La Réincarnation de la Méchante : L'Épouse Diabolique du Jeune Maître Lu

La Réincarnation de la Méchante : L'Épouse Diabolique du Jeune Maître Lu

``` Dans sa vie antérieure, Su Xiaofei avait tout perdu lorsque la fille de son père était arrivée, ruinant essentiellement sa vie. Ce n'est qu'à la fin de sa vie que sa demi-sœur Ye Mingyu révéla la vérité. Su Xiaofei n'était pas la véritable enfant de ses parents, mais une orpheline qu'ils avaient choisi d'adopter lorsqu'ils découvrirent que sa mère adoptive ne pouvait pas concevoir. Après avoir perdu sa mère adoptive et sa propre vie, Su Xiaofei a eu la chance de tout remettre en ordre ! Revenant aux jours précédant la ruine de sa vie par la mère et la fille, Su Xiaofei décida qu'elle ne serait plus une enfant dévouée à son père indigne, et promit de ne pas aimer son époux indésirable. Au moment où elle pensait que son cœur était devenu froid et insensible à l'amour, un certain Jeune Maître Lu décida de lui déclarer son amour éternel. Dans les derniers instants de sa vie passée, Lu Qingfeng fut le seul à la serrer contre lui, corps inerte, et à verser des larmes lorsqu'elle quitta le monde des vivants. "Ma décision est prise. Hormis toi, je n'épouserai personne d'autre. De plus, dans cette vie et les suivantes, tu seras ma seule épouse." Aux yeux de tous, elle était la méchante villainesse, mais pour Lu Qingfeng, Su Xiaofei était sa déesse personnelle. Tandis qu'elle se fraye un chemin dans sa deuxième chance de vivre, Su Xiaofei parviendra-t-elle à apprendre à son cœur à ne pas être ému par son amour ? Éditeur/correcteur : ninaviews Avertissement pour les scènes et thématiques futures r18 non adaptées à un jeune public. Illustration de couverture de livre par Snow Le Art Droit d'auteur2022 anjeeriku ```
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625 Chs

Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai

1 answer
2025-01-16 17:56

" Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai " was a fantasy novel written by Don't Make Me Stay Up All Night. The story told the story of the Green Cloud Sword Saint, the Sword Dao Deity, Ye Qiubai, and the others in the Southern Region. The novel was updated to chapter 989. The details and the latest chapters can be read on the relevant websites.

Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai

1 answer
2025-01-14 13:49

Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai was a fantasy novel about the adventures of Lu Changsheng, a disciple of the Cottage in the Southern Region. He was the Green Cloud Sword Saint of the Southern Region, and he was a god in the way of the sword. The story also involved other forces such as Nine Nether, Nine Heavens, Nine Yin, and so on. The novel had been serialised to chapter 1356, and the latest chapter was "Banquet at Hongmen, Not Attending (2/3)". This novel had a limited number of chapters on many websites.

Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai

1 answer
2025-01-08 01:45

Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai was the name of a novel, and it could be downloaded as a TLV file. However, these search results did not provide any specific content or description of the novel. Therefore, he couldn't provide more information about Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai.

Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai

1 answer
2024-12-31 23:49

Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai was a fantasy novel about the adventures of Lu Changsheng, a disciple of the Cottage in the Southern Region. He was the Green Cloud Sword Saint of the Southern Region, and he was a god in the way of the sword. The story also involved other forces such as Nine Nether, Nine Heavens, Nine Yin, and so on. The novel had been serialised to chapter 1356, and the latest chapter was "Banquet at Hongmen, Not Attending (2/3)".

Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai

1 answer
2024-12-31 15:17

Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai was a fantasy novel about the adventures of Lu Changsheng, a disciple of the Cottage in the Southern Region. He was the Green Cloud Sword Saint of the Southern Region, and he was a god in the way of the sword. The story also involved other forces such as Nine Nether, Nine Heavens, Nine Yin, and so on. The novel had been serialised to chapter 1356, and the latest chapter was "Banquet at Hongmen, Not Attending (2/3)". This novel was created by Don't Let Me Stay Up All Night. It is available for free online reading and download.

Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai

1 answer
2024-12-30 16:47

Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai was a fantasy novel about the adventures of Lu Changsheng, a disciple of the Cottage in the Southern Region. He was the Green Cloud Sword Saint of the Southern Region, and he was a god in the way of the sword. The story also involved other forces such as Nine Nether, Nine Heavens, Nine Yin, and so on. The novel had been serialised to chapter 1356, and the latest chapter was "Banquet at Hongmen, Not Attending (2/3)".

Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai

1 answer
2024-12-29 13:32

Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai was a fantasy novel about the adventures of Lu Changsheng, a disciple of the Cottage in the Southern Region. He was the Green Cloud Sword Saint of the Southern Region, and he was a god in the way of the sword. The story also involved other forces such as Nine Nether, Nine Heavens, Nine Yin, and so on. The novel had been serialised to chapter 1356, and the latest chapter was "Banquet at Hongmen, Not Attending (2/3)".

Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai

1 answer
2024-12-28 16:31

Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai was a fantasy novel about the adventures of Lu Changsheng, a disciple of the Cottage in the Southern Region. He was the Green Cloud Sword Saint of the Southern Region, and he was a god in the way of the sword. The story also involved other forces such as Nine Nether, Nine Heavens, Nine Yin, and so on. The novel had been serialised to chapter 1356, and the latest chapter was "Banquet at Hongmen, Not Attending (2/3)".

Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai

1 answer
2024-12-26 19:20

Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai was a fantasy novel. It told the story of how Lu Changsheng, as a Cottage disciple, became the Sword God and the Ancient Empress of the Southern Mountain Range through the system mission and his memories. The novel was free to read on many websites, and the latest chapters were constantly updated. The specific plot and chapters can be found on the relevant websites.

Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai

1 answer
2024-12-21 09:06

Lu Changsheng and Ye Qiubai was a fantasy novel. It told the story of how Lu Changsheng, as a Cottage disciple, became the Sword God and the Ancient Empress of the Southern Mountain Range through the system mission and his memories. The Forbidden Area Connecting the Three Realms. The details and the latest chapters can be read on the relevant websites.
